Welcome to Pragati Foundation

About Pragati Foundation

Pragati India foundation is a Institution working in the service sector whose purpose of creation is to help each other, how the help is done completely digitally. By using technology to provide welfare to every member of the society along with financial freedom and to usher in industrial revolution in which unemployment can be eliminated.We have a social number. Pragati India foundation trust through which a social work is done. For example, work is done in sectors like education, health, poverty, agriculture, environmental protection etc.

The objective of Pragati India Foundation is to help bring revolution. We help each other but that help only helps people.

Pragati Foundation is a very fair and powerful platform which helps in providing complete financial freedom along with increasing brotherhood in the society. Through this system, every person is to develop the habit of helping others, spirit of cooperation, humanity, legal advice, financial security, support of capital for business and making them self-reliant.


Welcome to Pragati Foundation

Join your hand with us for a
better life and future

Giving help can have a significant impact on individuals, families, and communities in need. Whether it's providing financial assistance, food aid, or support in other forms, your contributions can make a tangible difference in improving lives.

  • Make a Difference

  • Lending a Helping Hand

  • Fostering Empowerment

Seeking assistance is about recognizing one's limitations and reaching out for support. It fosters growth, collaboration, and mutual understanding, strengthening bonds and creating opportunities for collective problem-solving and growth.

  • Acknowledgment of Limitations

  • Opportunity for Growth

  • Building Relationships